Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Matching Donors Why Are Protein Markers Important In Matching Organ Donors To Recipients?

Why are protein markers important in matching organ donors to recipients? - matching donors

I am not able to get an authoritative answer, but I have a general idea.

Markers for evidence of the nature and function of a particular protein. Protein similar and different working groups can interfere with Anothers function. Some people like proteins. Since different proteins that affect the functions of proteins from natural and man separate. The same concepts work together to examine the organs and organ donation.
The protein markers are indications that the bodies of two people who work in both systems of the body. If the markings are the same as the body is more likely from the host organizations will be accepted. In the case of protein markers distinguish rejection by the body of the beneficiaries is more likely. Markers to identify a good match between donor and recipient a successful transplant.

Basically ...

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